Old-Fashioned Solution To Smoking Problem Thursday, March 1, 2001 Old-Fashioned Solution To Smoking Problem (NAPSA)—If the devastating consequences of smoking aren’t enough to make you quit, consider this: Smokingisn’t as glamorous as you may think. Aside from the signs of premature aging, bad breath and stained teeth that are associated with the habit, studies have shown that smoking actually decreases attractivenesslevels. A past study filmed a group of actors and actresses, featuring them smoking in one set of videos and not smoking in the other. Overall, the hundreds of people (smokers and non-smokers) who viewed the tapes revealed that they found the non-smoking people more physically attractive. Whereas there are numerous ways to help curb the urge for cigarettes and nicotine, most successful stop-smoking programs address an oft-overlooked aspect of the habit. People who smoke are used to having a cigarette in their mouth, and tend to reach for one as a reflex, whenever the mouth feels empty. This is the most common reason why people often gain weight when they give up smoking; food is a ready substitute, providing the mouth with something to do. Fortunately, there’s a tasty way to kick the habit that doesn’t involve Who loves ya, baby? More people, it’s believed, if you swap your cigarette for a sucker. consuming thousands of additional calories. Consider trading your cigarettes for another kind of sucker: a lollipop. The best of the bunch, Chupa Chups—those cleverly named Spanish lollipop imports—come in 16 flavors, fit to help satisfy even the fiercest cravings. These sophisticated alternatives to tobacco are available in mouth-watering varieties like Peaches and Cream, Cappuccino and Raspberry, and are only 50 calories each. Chupa Chups have been longtime favorites of celebrities like Madonna, Selma Hayek, Jerry Seinfeld and supermodel Esther Canadas. So kick your butts and join the ranks of non-smokers popping up everywhere! To learn more about Chupa Chups, visit the Web site at www.chupachups.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-182202-20190816-182158-50863.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-182158-50863.pdf