Steve Protulis Fights For Seniors Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Uu 6 Hero Steve Protulis Fights For Seniors by Jeffrey Lewis @ (NAPSA)—Good news: More and more America are living longer andbetter. In fact, by 2030, seniors will represent one out of five America. Bad news: The housing needs of retirees continue to grow rapidly, while their retirement income fails to keep pace with inflation. Further complicating the problem is this: Almost half of renters 62 and older spend more than half their incomeon housing. Better news: In America today, we are surrounded by people dedicated to making the lives of senior citize better. One such person is Steve Protulis, president of Elderly Housing Development and Operatio Corporation (EHDOC), a national organization for building and maintaining affordable housing and services for America’s 33 million seniors. Protulis understands thecrisis and the grave coequences of inaction and has never been afraid to tell elected officials that to control and reduce the number of seniors entering nursing homes prematurely, they need access to affordable senior housing. He believes we cannot and must not place seniors into housing beyondtheir mea, often foreing them to choose between eating and paying for other needs, such as medication or heating bills, and he and his organization are working on providing safe, secure and affordable housing for senior citizeall over the country. Steve Protulis is an uung American hero. Learn More For further facts, visit www. Mr. Lewis is the chairman of the St. Paul’s Foundation Healthcare Project Advisory Board. He can be reached at jri@stpaulsfoun --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-211111-20190731-211110-85209.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-211110-85209.pdf