Three Tips To Keep Horse Hooves Infection Free Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Three Tips To Keep Horse HoovesInfection Free (NAPSA)—When it comes to keeping your horse healthy, hoof care is often a critical element so you can enjoy normal activities together, such as riding or competing. Properly maintained hooves are muchless likely to develop bacterial and fungal infections; thus, horses can maintain normal hoof function. The Problem Thrush, a bacterial infection, can be a common problem that resides in the “frog” of a horse’s hoof. The frog refers to the darkcolored soft tissue on the bottom side of the foot that is triangular in shape, and stretches from a horse’s heel to midway toward the toe. The bacteria that causes thrush thrives in unsanitary con- ditions like stalls, where dirt, debris and bacteria can get trapped in horses’ feet. The preliminary sign of the condition is a strong odor coming from the hoof. Three Steps to Healthier Hooves There are several tips and strategies to manage and prevent thrush. Keeping the hoof and frog clean andfree of bacteria is important, and this can be challenging in a barn environment that is often wet andfull of bacteria. Certified Journeyman Farrier Tab Pigg recommends these three tips: 1.Clean the hooves daily with a hoof pick and clean wire brush; the pick removes the bulk and the wire brush removesresidue. 2.Trim hooves on a regular schedule. Feet that go untrimmed longer than seven or eight weeks develop thin soles and a stretched white line, making it easier for bacteria to enter the hoof capsule. 3.Ask a farrier to use pourin pads that adhere to the bottom of the foot to seal out moisture and debris. Pour-in pads are liquid urethane adhesives that provide durable, shock-absorbent support within the hoof capsule. This provides additional support for horses. Vettec Equi-Pak CS can be applied to the bottom of the You can give your horse a leg up when it comesto fighting infec- tion with the help of a liquid adhesive that also supports the hoof. horse’s foot to eliminate the possibility of bacteria being trapped and causing an infection. EquiPak CS is a fast-setting, soft pad material infused with copper sulfate to effectively manage moderate cases of thrush. It provides extra protection and support and also bondsto the sole, eliminating the need to pick out the feet and apply daily medication. Pour-in pads also offer these advantages: *The adhesive immediately bonds to the sole, sealing out moisture and debris. *Pour-in pad material can be filled to ground level for maximum support and effectively absorbs concussion, instead of sending it up the leg. A pour-in pad supports the bony column of the leg by loading the entire hoof area and it positions the weight-bearing load over the entire ground surface and not just the hoofwall. Learn More Ask your farrier about if your horse is at risk for thrush and which pour-in pad materials are best for your horse. Visit www. for further information and educational videos. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-100909-20190801-100906-85200.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-100906-85200.pdf