New Hygiene Spray Helps Control Eyelid Parasites Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Helps Control Eyelid Parasites (NAPSA)—Millions of Ameri- cans suffer from chronic eye conditions caused by parasites living on their eyelids. But a new hygiene spray helps control the conditions that make it possible for those nasty bugs to survive, bringing relief to countless patients whose eyes are red andpainfully dry. Tiny eyelid mite parasites cause serious eye problems for millions of Americans, according to the Eye Institute of Marin in California. Tiny parasites called demodex mites are a huge problem in America. The parasites burrow into the skin of the eyelids, causing inflammation and plugging glands in the eye that help keep the tear film intact. The result: red, inflamed and dry eyes, often with a crusty buildup of debris. The parasite infestation also often attracts other microbes, such as bacteria, that add to the inflammation and discomfort. For manyyears, this problem was almost impossible to solve. Lid scrubs containing tea tree oil can knock back the parasites, but the amounts needed to control the mites usually irritate the eyes. Now, however, eye doctors have a new weapon. It’s an eyelid hygiene product called Avenova from NovaBay Pharmaceuticals. Avenova contains Neutrox, pure hypochlorous acid. In your body, hypochlorous acid is produced in your white blood cells and kills microorganisms. In laboratory studies, Neutrox demonstrates this same activity. Avenova, applied to skin of the eyelids, has helped patients with demodex infestations and at the same time is nonirritating and safe for chronic use. This is important, because demodex infestations can be managed but never cured. “Avenova with Neutrox is finally bringing relief to patients who have been suffering for years,” says Kathryn Najafi-Tagol, M.D., head of the Eye Institute of Marin in California. It’s also remarkably easy to use—just spray it on a cot- ton pad and wipetheeyelids. As Richard L. Lindstrom, M.D., founder and attending surgeon of Minnesota Eye Consultants, concludes, “Avenova represents a major advancein eye care.” To learn more, visit www., call (800) 890-0329 or see the video at watch?v=tJoIOTvFGCI. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-020412-20190801-020410-85138.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-020410-85138.pdf