Make The Switch To Shower Better Sunday, March 1, 2015 Make The Switch To Shower Better (NAPSA)—Looking to save Shorten your shower water, energy and money? Look no further than your shower! A showeris the place you wake up in the morning, washoff after a workout, or wind down from a hard day. But showering also uses a lot of water—17 gallons on aver- m= ey S age per shower—and energy to heat that water. i one minute ~and save 550 gallons per year Switch your showerhead and save ‘ 23900 gallons per year Some people try shorter showers to reduce the water and energy & Shower Better they use every day. But shortening your shower only shavesoff a few (eeees gallons. What if there were a better way to shower—and save resources at the sametime? By switching to a showerhead that has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense” label, you could save water, energy and money, all while enjoying your shower. WaterSense labeled showerheads are independently certified to use at least 20 percent less water and perform as well or bet- ter than standard models. All WaterSense labeled fixtures are tested for performance, so you can be sure your shower will have a powerful force and satisfying spray. Because they use less water, these showerheads also reduce the energy needed to heat your water. So instead of shower- ing shorter, you'll showerbetter. By switching out just one show- erhead with a WaterSense labeled model, the average family could save 2,900 gallons of water, or the TP) A few simple steps toward a bet- ter way to shower can help you save water, energy and money. amount of water it takes to wash 71 loads of laundry! What’s more, you'll save enoughelectricity to power your homefor 13 days, plus more than $70 in water and energy costs each year just by tak- ing this simple action. WaterSense labeled showerheads are available in a wide vari- ety of finishes, styles and price points, so you don’t need to redo your entire bathroom to make the switch and save. This October, during Energy Action Month, make it your Shower Better Month by switching to a WaterSense labeled showerhead— and save all year long. For more information about saving water and energy, visit watersense. neh oe Editor’s Note: October is Energy Action Month, as well as EPA’s Shower Better Month, a time when consumers can save energy, water and money with a WaterSense labeled showerhead. However, this story can run anytime of year. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-044319-20190801-044317-84919.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-044317-84919.pdf