Innovative Software Company Reflects On The Past To Build For The Future Thursday, March 1, 2001 Reflects On The Pasi To Build For The Future (NAPS)—Twenty-five years in any industry is a significant accomplishment, but in technology, it’s almost unheard of, as only a few companies survive to reach this milestone. The most recent example of the volatility of the technology industry is the Dotcom fallout. According to research firm Webmergers, 329 dotcoms have failed since January 2000 alone. Peachtree Software has weathered the ups and downsof this volatile, dynamic industry, continuing to break new ground and thrive in a rapidly changing landscape. As a constant innovator in small business accounting and business management products and services, Peachtree has suc- ceeded where others have failed andis one of a very few surviving, pioneering companies in this mas- sive revolution that we call the personal computer. One trait that separates Peachtree from its less successful counterparts is the ability to incorporate the latest technology into practical software and ser- vices that small business owners can use to run their operations. Based in Atlanta, Peachtree Software actually began as the city’s first retail computer store in 1976, selling hardware designed for microcomputer kits. Responding to a customer need for packaged applications, the firm transitioned from hardware reseller to software developer, focusing on accounting. In 1980, IBM selected Peachtree Software to produce a high-end accounting system for what would soon become the standard in per- sonal computers, the “top-secret” IBM PC. PC sales took off, and Peachtree continued developing software for the home, education and business markets. In 1986, Peachtree aggressively lowered the price of its accounting program from nearly $5,000 to $199, usher- ing in the current era of mass-produced software and catapulting the company to new success. In fact, Peachtree was thefirst One software company has been giving a good account of itself since 1976. Peachtree has built a strong presence in the technology community over the years with a range of desktop accounting software and related Internet business manage- ment services, such as ePeachtree, a pure Web-based accounting service, and the recent introduction of Peachtree Web Accounting, the first Web-top to desktop accounting service. The history that Peachtree Software builds on continues a legacy of providing innovative products and services, to fulfill the varied and unique needs of small businesses. The Peachtree family of products and services are complemented by easily accessible quality support that has been Support Center Practices certified by the Service & Support Professionals Association, the recognized standard in support center excellence. Innovative products combined with certified excellent customer support offer small businesses the tools they need to get the insight behind their numbers to make informed decisions for their continued success. After 25 years of serving the small business market and responding to its needs, Peachtree Software continues to provide the products and services to help small businesses get the insight behind their numbers. Now, as a member of the Sage Group, ple, a worldwide leader in business management software for small to medium sized businesses, Peachtree will continue company to provide off-the-shelf accounting software for personal computers, as well as the first building on that commitment to providing the products and services that help small businesses ware for Microsoft Windows. both now, and for years to come. small business accounting soft- make informed business decisions --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-135151-20190731-135147-51705.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-135147-51705.pdf