Shower Better and Save with Satisfaction Saturday, March 1, 2014 Shower Better and Save with Satisfaction (NAPSA)—October is Energy Action Month, a time to take action to save energy. Did you know that your heating and cooling systems and appliances aren’t the only things in your home that use energy? It takes a great deal of energy to treat and deliver water to your home, as well as heat that water to shower, shave, and laundershirts. If you want to save energy—as well as water and money—start with your shower. Showeringis one of the leading ways we use water at home, accounting for nearly 17 percent of residential indoor water use. For the average family, that adds up to 40 gallons of water per day—or nearly 1.2 trillion gallons of water used each year nationwide just for showering! That’s why the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has also declared October to be Shower Better Month. By swapping out your showerhead with a model that has earned the EPA’s WaterSense label, your family can save the amount of energy it takes to power your homefor 13 days, enough water to wash 70 loads of laundry, and more than $70 in energy and water costs every year. WaterSense labeled showerheads are available in a wide variety of styles and prices. Most . Why waste... site eaoesese T3Spavs H@hhhhh nnh of energy to power your home hh th th th + S702 2 mm per YEAR ce) es ShowerBetter } WaterSense labeled showerheads save water, energy and money. importantly, all models that earn the label must be independently certified for both efficiency and performance. So you can enjoy a satis- fying spray while saving water, energy, and money—in other words, you will showerbetter! Make the “drops to watts” connection and stop sending water, energy and money downthedrain. Swap out just one showerhead in your home with a WaterSense labeled model this Energy Action Month and start saving. For more information about WaterSense labeled showerheads and the energy-water connection, visit w------------- +--+ eee QSL ------- == --Note to Editors: October is Energy Action Month, as well as EPA’s Shower Better Month, a time when consumers can save energy and water while ensuring shower satisfaction by looking for a WaterSense labeled showerhead. With a few small edits, however, this story can run anytime ofyear. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-172502-20190731-172500-84157.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-172500-84157.pdf