Should Gov't Require Lower Drug Prices? Friday, March 1, 2002 ‘Sho Id Gov’t Require Lower Drug Prices? (NAPSA)—Anew survey found that seniors think the government should require drug companies to lower their prices. When asked the best method of making prescription drugs more affordable, 43 percent said that the federal Many seniors believe the gov- ernment should help make prescription drugs more affordable. government should require pharmaceutical companies to sell prescription drugs for Medicare bene- ficiaries at the same prices as drugs they sell to state Medicaid or veterans’ drug programs. The survey was conducted among members of TREA Senior Citizens League (TSCL), a national senior’s issues organization. “The majority of seniors participating in the survey ranked a prescription drug benefit as their number one Medicarelegislative priority,” said George Smith, chairman of TSCL, “they clearly feel the government should negotiate with pharmaceutical manufacturers for better prices.” For the first time since TSCL began monitoring prescription drug coverage among members, those saying they have no prescription drug coverage outnum- ber those whosay they do. “We urge seniors to exercise their clout this election year by asking their Members of Congress to enact a voluntary Medicareprescription drug benefit now,” says Smith. For more free information on this issue, contact TREA Senior Citizens League, Department N20501, 909 N. Washington St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314, or visit the organization’s Web site at --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-161723-20190816-161722-53998.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-161722-53998.pdf