Love On The Rocks Friday, March 1, 2002 Love On The Rocks (NAPSA)—Since 1990, research- ers have been examininga fascinating phenomenonat the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary off the Texas-Louisiana Ao 7. ee | 3 (Eggsa Ex, wi} | Cc s 4 3 “ i } coast—mass coral spawning. Seven or eight eveningsafter the August or September full moon, between approximately 8:30 and 10:30 p.m., at least seven different species of coral reproduce by releas- ing their gametes into the water. Biologists say this rare sight looks something like an upside-down, underwater snowstorm. The mass spawning phenomenonis but one of Peoeoacura Love on the rocks: Coral spawning in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. the most spectacular of underwater for divers, anglers and boaters, the reefs protect beaches from erosion. Habitat for rare species. the most important for humans. Fortunately, many ofAmerica’s coral systems are protected by the on a coral reef is greater than almost many fascinating facts about coral. Coral reefs are not only among environments, they’re also among National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Sanctuary Program. Coral reefs are knownas high-density locations of biodiversity. That meansthevariety of species living anywhereelse in the world. Coral reef ecosystems are com- plex, dynamic and sensitive systems. Coral reefs cover less than one Although they have persisted port an estimated 25 percentofall marinelife. are sensitive to small environmental disturbances over the short-term. Slight changes in one component of the ecosystem affect the health of percent of the ocean floor, but supThey provide: Medicine. Coral reefs offer unique compoundsthat are part of treatments of cardiovascular disease, ulcers, leukemia and skin cancer as well as bone grafting material and AZT, an important medicine for fighting HIV infection. The medication is based on chemicals extracted from a Caribbean reef sponge. Food. Coral reefs support the fish and plant life that sup- port millions of people. Recreation. Coral reefs are not only great places to play through major climatic shifts, they other components and the well-being of people everywhere. In addition to the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, there are 12 other national marine sanctuaries representing a wide variety of ocean environments that protect nearly 18,000 square miles of ocean waters and habitats, and encourage research, educational, and outreach activi- ties as well as fishing and boating. To learn more, log on to --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-210449-20190731-210447-54243.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-210447-54243.pdf