Highway Bill Could Speed Up Economy Tuesday, March 1, 2011 want HighwayBill Could Speed Up Economy (NAPSA)—Thenext time you take to the road for a businesstrip or vacation, you may remember how important it is for Congress to adequately fund transportation—and consider letting them know howyoufeel aboutit. “It’s a pivotal time to remind our federal elected officials of the importance and urgency of finding solutions to the dire situation the construction industry and our highways are facing,” says Gerald F. Voigt, P.E., president and CEO of the American Concrete Pavement Association. Congress needs to do the right thing by making highways and other elements of the surface transportation system a top priority, said Voigt. This year marks the sixth anniversary of the signing of the most recent highwaybill, which, since its expiration, has been extended seven times. Extensions makeit difficult for businesses to invest in the future, and not having a clear timeline for the next transporta- tion bill will continue to jeopardize the economic vitality of companies—andthe nation. The ability to move people and goods is critical to the nation’s economy. When the federal government underinvests in transportation infrastructure, it’s easier for the nation to fall behind in the global marketplace. “China, India and other devel- oping nations understand the value of infrastructure development andthecritical link between infrastructure, commerce, per- sonal mobility and safety,” said Voigt. “Why are those issues any The nation needs to makeele- ments of the surface transportation system a top priority, say the experts. less important in the U.S. than in other nations?” Fuel prices are rising at an alarming rate, and with widespread speculation that motorists might pay $5 per gallon for gasoline, motorists can scarcely afford to waste fuel becauseof the inefficiency and disrepair of the nation’s highways. Asthe nation’s economy continues to falter, said Voigt, unemployment remains highin the construction industry. Passage of a new highway bill would create and sustain well-paying, longterm jobs for people who want to work and need to work. “Talk to your neighbors, your colleagues, your employees and everyone you know who has the power of the vote and urge them to take a stand; to tell their elected officials to find and invest the funds to repair and preserve the nation’s highways,” said Voigt. You can let your elected officials know how youfeel about this and any other issue. For more information, visit www.acpa.org or www.pavements4life.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-172004-20190816-172003-80872.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-172003-80872.pdf