Fun Family Project Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Fun Family Project (NAPSA)—Quality time with your family can often mean lending a hand. Do-it-yourself projects are a great way to spend time with dad while creating a fun activity everyone can enjoy. All you need are the right tools and a few simple instructions. For instance, building jumbofield goal posts for a paper football game can give the family hours of entertainment year-round. Here is a step-by-step plan on how to score big with your kids by kicking it through the goalposts. Tools needed: Drill press e Miter saw Drill driver and bits 1-inch Forstnerbit e Measuring tape e Glue Note—Project can be completed without a drill press or miter saw by substituting a drill and handsaw,respectively. Supplies needed: e At least 60 inches of dowel, 1 inch in diameter 2 x 6 lumber cut to 14 inches long e Screws Directions: 1. Cut two pieces of dowel at 22 inches. These are your upright goalposts. 2. Cut another piece of dowel at 22 inches. This is your horizontal goalpost. 3. Cut another piece of dowel at 12% inches. This is your upright support beam. 4. Lay the horizontal goalpost on your workbench. Then, use a pencil and make two markson the post exactly 1 inch in from both ends. 5. Use the drill press with the Forstner bit to drill halfway through the dowel on your marks. This is where the uprights will be attached. A Forstner bit is used to bore a precise,flat-bottomed hole. 6. Flip the goalpost over and make a markin the center of the post, 11 inches from either end. Drill halfway through on your mark. 7. Apply glue and piece the two upright goalposts into the twoside drill-outs. 8. To secure the upright goalposts, predrill from the Spend time with dad and build jumbo goalpost uprights for a paper football game the whole family can enjoy. underside of the horizontal goalpost into the middle of the upright dowels and screwin. 9. Apply glue and place the upright support beam in the centerdrill-out. 10. To secure the upright support beam, predrill and screw in from the top of the horizontal goalpost. 11. Use the 1-inch Forstner bit to make a hole through a piece of 2 x 6. 12. Apply some glue, place upright in 2 x 6 andlet dry. 13. Paint or stain as desired. For more project ideas of all levels, visit the Craftsman Experience live in Chicago or on the Craftsman Experience tab on the Facebook page at www.facebook. com/craftsman. The Craftsman Experience, located at 233 W. Huron Street, is the ultimate DIY playground, bringing visitors face to face with tools, live demonstrations and hands-on workstations. Clinics and demos are hosted by organizations that share their expert skills and talents in auto repair, woodworking, garage storage, and lawn and garden care. From Thursday—Sunday, the Craftsman Experience is open to the public. If you don’t live in Chicago, don’t worry! The projects are streamed live over the Craftsman Facebook page. There, you can also find a schedule of upcoming events so you can tune in online. For more information on Craftsman tools, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-145614-20190816-145612-80804.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-145612-80804.pdf