Coping With Childhood Cancer Tuesday, March 1, 2011 whe lth a us . WS (NAPS)—The National Children’s Cancer Society (NCCS) recently redesigned its website and that of Beyond the Cure (BTC), the NCCS survivorship program, as part of its new branding system that provides maximum flexibility as the organization grows—for existing and future programs and services. Both sites reflect the new branding and better communicate the organization’s commitment to children with cancer and their families. Some of the features include resources for financial assistance, free Web conferences, and informational videos. Families are now able to find more information about coping with childhood cancer andthelate effects of cancer for survivors. The NCCS seeksto serve those affected by pediatric cancer through the Pediatric Oncology Program (POP). This program offers financial and emotional support to the families of children undergoing cancer treatment throughout the United States. POPcanlessen the family’s financial strain by providing assistance with meals, gas, transportation and, in some cases, even paying health insurance premiums. This can give some peace of mind to parents whose incomes have been affected by their child’s illness. Over $51 million has been distributed by POP in financial assistance to more than 28,000 children with cancer and their families since the organization’s inception in 1987. BTC teaches families the importance of maintaining complete medical records and educates them on the long-term effects of cancer treatment. Regional conferences and Web conferences sponsored by BTC keep cancer sur- Newly redesigned websites can now do more than ever to help families find the resources they need so kids with cancer can survive and thrive. vivors, caregivers and health care professionals informed on advances within thefield. At, survivors can use the Late Effects Assessment Tool to learn specific information about complications they might encounterlaterinlife. Thesite also offers information on insurance, employment, spirituality and relationships in a simple, easy-to-use format. The BTC site addresses the unique and ongoing challenges that many childhood cancer survivorsface. Childhood cancer survivor Heather Barger explains: “The Late Effects Assessment Tool is easy to use andis very informative. It helped to connect the things that are happening to me now with my previous cancer treatments. It also offered useful information to help me managethe problems I am experiencing, as well as valuable insights for my care in the future.” More Information You can learn more by visiting, www.beyond or by calling 314-2411600. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-221108-20190731-221105-80674.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-221105-80674.pdf