Any Day Can Be An Ice Cream Parlor Day Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Any Day Can Be AnIce Cream Parlor Day they can learn about serving sizes and how to make change. (NAPSA)—Thenext time you enjoy a refreshing shake or ice The Treats Set out ice cream cones, top- cream cone, you may care to take a long cool look at the history of that delectable treat. pings and mix-ins: candy-coated chocolates, sprinkles, candied Then Ice cream can be traced back to at least the 4th century B.C. and has long been the delightof royalty. For example, in the first cen- cherries, raisins, bananas, straw- berries, chopped nuts, crumbled cookies, whateveryou like. Bottles of tury A.D., Roman Emperor Nero didn’t just fiddle around. He ordered ice to be brought from the mountains and combined with fruit toppings. In the 7th century, Chinese royalty enjoyed ice and milk concoctions. Ice cream was likely brought from China back to Europe and ices, sherbets and milk ices were served in the fashionable Italian and French royal courts during the Renaissance. The first ice cream parlor in America opened in New York City in 1776. Ben Franklin, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were known to have regularly eaten and served ice cream. First Lady Dolley Madison is even said to have served it in what would become the White House at her husband’s InauguralBall in 1813. Fruit smoothies became popular in the 1960s, and in the 1970s, frozen yogurt was introduced to the U.S., though it didn’t really take off until the ’80s. Now Here’s a delicious idea for serving up someparlor-themed excitement at your house, whetherit’s a party or your houseis full of family and friends looking for something fun to do. You don’t even need to leave home to have a good time at your own family parlor. Scoop up some family fun by turning your kitchen into an ice cream parlor. The Setup Turn the kitchen or dining room table into the parlor counter. Place it a couple of feet from the wall. Put a few small tables or even overturned boxes on the serving side to hold all the equipment you'll need. Have bowls and glasses in assorted sizes, spoons, straws, an ice cream scoop andlots of napkins. Write the various offerings on a chalkboard propped up on the counter. To make it a sweet, math-learning experience for kids, put on “pretend” prices and have them pay in play money—once they figure out how much they’ll need and get back in change for each item. Have them “work” behind the counter, too, where chocolate-, strawberry-, caramel- and coffee-flavored syrups should also be on hand, along with a bowl or can of whipped cream. Fill a big bowl with ice and put pints of frozen yogurt, sorbet and ice cream in variousflavors in the ice. For easy-to-enjoy fruit smoothies and milk shakes, try singleserve, parlor-style Dreyer’s/Edy’s that you can make in seconds. These easy-to-prepare—even kids can do it—great-tasting treats are found in the grocer’s freezer. You just add the milk; there’s no mess, no blender, no scooping and no cleanup. What’s more, you get less. These single-serve shakes havehalf the fat and one-third fewer calories than regular shakes, while the fruit smoothies are made with real fruit, fruit juice and frozen yogurt... and they’re fat-free when madewith fat-free milk. Dreyer’s/Edy’s Slow Churned Shakes and Fruit Smoothies are available in eight popular flavors: cookies ’n cream, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry banana, mixed berry, sunrise blend and tropical. Learn More For additional information, visit or call (877) 437-3937. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-183956-20190816-183955-80623.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-183955-80623.pdf