New Treatment Helps Woman Fight Husband's Metastatic Kidney Cancer Sunday, March 1, 2009 (NAPSA)—Because of her career at the Robert and Beverly vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein to address a key ing problems occurred more often Pomona, California, where she growth. Avastin works differently than other approved medicines for Avastin therapy should not be started for at least 28 days after Lewis Cancer Care Center in helps raise visibility about the center’s comprehensive cancer care, Tami Barto has been familiar with the daily battles of cancer patients and their famihes. However, she never imagined that she would experience having a loved one with cancer, But a year and a halfafter getting married, Tami’s husband Ken learned that he had metastatic kidney cancer, the eighth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States according to the American Cancer Society. Had it not been for Tanu, Ken may not have discovered that he had cancer. She had urged him to get his hings screened for cancer through a program at the Univer- underlying cause of cancer metastatic kidney cancer because itis designed to specifically bind to the VEGF protein, which is pro- duced in elevated amounts in most kidney cancers. Tami was fully aware of the severity of the disease. When they were able to take a vacation together to Hawaii, to her it was great news. “Cancer treatment can he debilitating,” said Tami. “To be able to enjoy a trip together and actually relax and laugh was wonderful and made a great difference to us both.” Tami continues her work inthe cancer field and is grateful for every day she has with her hus- sity of California at Los Angeles Medical Center because he was a band, thanks to new research and found on his hangs and a cancerous groups, such as the National Fam- longtime smoker. When spots were tumor in his kidney, Tami took on a newrole as caregiver for a signif- icantly sick loved one. Throughout her husband’s battle with kidney cancer, Tami remained positive and embraced her new role as a caregiver and advocate. “Fewer than 10 percent of late- stage kidney cancer patients will live five years,” said Nicholas Vogelzang, MD, Comprehensive vancer Centers of Nevada and U.S. Oncology. “It’s important for people battling metastatic kidney cancer to have as many treatment options as possible, so they can work. with their doctors to find somethingthat may make a difference.” Tami researched to find the best options for care and caregiving. She had heard of a medicine that worked differently than others and asked her husband’s doctor for more information. “We were devastated when we heard the diagnosis, but [ knewI couldn’t panic,” recalls Tami. “I unmediately went into action and started reaching out to my network of cancer resources to find something, anything that would help.” In July 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Avastin (bevacizumab) plus interferon alfa to treat people with metastatic kidney cancer. Avastin is designed to block the cutting-edge treatments. Support ily Caregivers Association, can help provide information and guidance for family caregivers. For roore information, please visit BOXED WARNINGS and Additional Important Safety Information People treated with Avastin may experience side effects. In clinical trials, some people treated with Avastin experienced serious and sometimes fatal side effects, including: Gastrointestinal (GD perfo- ration: Treatment with Avastin can result in the developmentof a potentially serious side effect called GI perforation, which is the development of a hole in the stom- ach, smali intestine or large intes- tine. In clinical trials, this side effect occurred in more people wha received Avastin than in the com- parison group (0.3 percent ta 2.4 percent). In some cases, GI perfo- surgery and until the surgical received Avastin than those in the comparison group included severe wound is fully healed. The length of time between stopping Avastin and having voluntary surgery without the risk of having surgery “We were devastated when we heard the diagnosis, bui | knew | couldn’t panic,” recalis Tami. “| immediately went into action and started reaching out to my network of cancer resources to find something, anything that would help.” ble healing or staying closed). In pressure, which was seen in 5 percent to 18 percent of people, and nervous systemandvision disturbances (reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome), which was seen in less than 0.1 pereent of people. Infusion reactions with the first dose of Avastin were uncommon and occurred in less than 3 percent of peaple and severe reactions occurred in 0.2 determined. Treatment with of people who received Avastin for Avastin should be stopped at least occurred in more than 10 percent different cancer types, and at 28 days before voluntary surgery and in people with surgery and wound healing problems following surgery that require medical least twice the rate of the comparison group, were nosebleeds, headache, high blood pressure, severe bleeding: Treatment with Avastin can result in serious bleeding, including coughing up blood, bleeding in the stomach, vorniting of blood, bleeding in the brain, nosebleeds and vaginal bleeding. These events occurred up to five times more often in people who received Avastin. Across change, dry skin, rectal bleeding, tear production disorder, back pain and inflammation of the skin treatment. cancer types, 1.2 percent to 4.6 percent of people who received Avastin experienced severe to fatal bleeding. People who have recently coughed up blood (greater than or equal to a half teaspoon of red blood) or have serious bleeding should not receive Avastin. ‘Treatment with Avastin should be permanently stopped if serious bleeding occurs (1.e., requiring medical attention). In clinical trials fer different cancer types, there were additional serious and sometimes fatal side effects that occurred in more much protein in the urine, which problems: Treatment with Avastin can lead to slow or incomplete wound healing (for example, to life-threatening high blood and wound healing problems fol- lowing surgery has not been some cases, this event resulted in fatality. Surgery and wound heal- stopped if GI perforation oceurs. Surgery and wound healing that occurred in more people who percent of people. Common side effects that when a surgical incision has trou- therapy should be permanently in less than 1 percent of people. Additional serious side effects people who received Avastin than in those ta the comparison group. The formation of an abnormal passage from parts of the body to another part (non-GI fistula formation) was seen in 0.3 percent or less of people. Severe to life-threatening ration resulted in fatality. Avastin led to kidney problems, was seen in people whe received Avastin than in the comparison group. stroke or heart problems were seen in 2.4 percent of people. Too inflammation of the nose, too much protein in the urine, taste (exfolative dermatitis). Across all trials, treatment with Avastin was permanently stopped in 8.4 per- cent to 21 percent of people because ofside effects. Avastin may impair fertihty. Patients who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant should talk with their doctor about the potential risk of loss of the pregnancy or the potential risk of Avastin to the fetus during and following Avastin therapy, and the need te continue an effective birth control method for at least six months following the last dose of Avastin, In the metastatic kidney cancer trial, the mast common severe to fatal side effects that increased by 2 percent or more in people whe received Avastin vs. those in the comparison group included tiredness (13 percent vs. 8 percent), weakness (10 percent vs. 7 per- cent}, too rauch protein in the urine (7 percent vs. 0 percent), high blood pressure (6 percent vs. 1 percent}, and severe bleeding (8 percent vs. 0.3 percent). for full Prescribing Information and Boxed WARNINGS on Avastin please visit http:/ --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-152629-20190731-152625-78590.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-152625-78590.pdf