Life's Most Embarrassing Moments Monday, March 1, 2004 Survey Says: Avoid One OfLife’s Most Embarrassing Moments (NAPSA)—Life is full of embarrassing moments, like calling someone by the wrong nameor leaving the restroom with a trail of toilet paper attached to your shoe. Then, there are those physical conditions that, much to your chagrin, always seem to occur at the worst possible moment, like pimples, warts, dandruff, cold sores, or gas. The mere thoughtof showing up somewhere important with one of these is enough to make youcringe. According to a recent survey conducted by Impulse Research Corporation for Herpecin L, the two worst things a date could show up with are flatulence or a cold sore. (The good news for women with dandruff, and men with bald spots—only nine percent thought this was a turn-off.) Seventy percent of respondents would actually be self-conscious enough to cancel social plans if they woke up with a cold sore. In fact, of the 1,000 cold sore sufferers surveyed, more people would cancel for a cold sore than for severe cramps or constipation (50 percent), an aller- gic rash (82 percent), or an acne breakout (15 percent). Inopportune times respondents got cold sores included their wedding day, when getting a driver’s license picture taken and before a CPRtest. Cold sores may be one of the most mortifying conditions (one respondent even put a band-aid over his cold sore and told people his cat scratched him), but they are far from uncommon—20 percent of the population get them, and more than 80 percent carry the virus that causes them. One way to avoid an embarrassing outbreak is to be aware of A recent survey says oneoflife’s most embarrassing moments is dealing with cold sores. the triggers. Those include illness such as cold andflu, stress, cold weather, exposure to sun, fatigue, trauma to the lip area and hormonal changes. Cold sore sufferers can help prevent them by not sharing food, drinksor eating utensils with others, avoiding skin contact with people who have cold sores and washingtheir hands. Using a cold sore relief product, such as Herpecin L, can protect lips every day with SPF 30, and shorten the duration of a sore. For many people, however, going to the drugstore to buy a relief product when they have a cold sore can be humiliating in itself—60 percent admitted to hiding the medication in their basket under lots of other products and 56 percent said they would not ask where it was located no matter how long it took them to find it in the store. For more information about cold sores (without the embarrassment of having to ask someone), visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-151745-20190731-151743-59729.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-151743-59729.pdf