A Scent Of Romance Saturday, March 1, 2008 Aromatherapy—Certain scents, such as pumpkin, might evoke strong, romantic emotions and even subliminal memories. (NAPSA)—Did you know that scents affect people differently depending on where they're from? Studies have shown that the scent of a roast cooking elicits feelings of romance in German men, while the scent of pumpkin elicits amorous emotions in American men, In fact, researchers say the right aroma can evoke vivid, whole-body sensations and that scent may play an important role in love and friendship. It has to do with what’s oils, wallflowers and ScentPorts. Here’s a look at six top picks from the collection: Pumpkin—A stimulating blend of fresh pumpkin, ground cinnamon, brown sugar and vanilla cream. Creamy Caramel—tThe scent of melted butter, rich caramel toffee and creamyvanilla. Creamy Nutmeg—A warm andinviting blend of fresh ground nutmeg, vanilla and pralines atop a base of dark, rich rum. part of our brain responsible for e Autumn Apple—Crisp and bright, the sparkling scent of the limbic system, the place from which emotions stem and where emotional memoriesare born. This tantalizing scent blends spicy knownasthe olfactory cortex, the registering scent. It’s embedded in So how can you use scent to set the mood with a current—or potential—significant other? autumn apples with pear blossoms and a hint of applewood. Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin— pumpkin puree with sweet butter andvanilla cream. Caramel Pumpkin—Pumpkin Check out products such as Harry Slatkin’s new selection of fall puree and freshly bakedpie crust, buttery caramel and a succulent collection. It features delectable scents and seasonal favorites in the form of collectible, figural tarine. A dusting of holiday spice and brown sugartop this classic. scents, called The Perfect Autumn ceramic candles, filled glass candles, room sprays, home fragrance medley of plum, apple and nec- You can find the collection at Bath & Body Works stores and www.bbw.com. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-152034-20190816-152032-75394.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-152032-75394.pdf