Start Living An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Saturday, March 1, 2008 (NAPSA)—According to a recent survey by Harris Interactive, 85 percent of men and women would make small changes to their lifestyle if it would positively affect the environment. While transforming your entire lifestyle to be considered “green” can seem like an overwhelming task, there are so many small but mighty ways you can change your daily habits to help the environment. Here are a few simple ways you can get started: Water you doing? Not ready to give up your long, hot showers and can’t seem to remember to turn off the water in between washing dishes? Try simply using a lower water flow instead of keeping the faucet on full blast to conserve water. You can also purchase a low-flow showerhead to save on the amount of water used per shower. Lighten up. Compact fluorescent light bulbs can save up to 75 percentof lighting energy andlast up to 10 times longer than conventional lights. If you don’t feel like changingall the light bulbs in your house, try using a dimmer switch or a three-way light bulb. These both use lower-intensity light to help reduce energy use. Personally speaking. Every month women discard countless tampons, applicators and wrappers, creating waste they probably don’t even think of. Consider switching to a non-applicator tamponlike o.b. Small changes to your daily ha- bits can have a mighty impact on the environment. regular, which generates 58 percent less waste than applicator tampons. Car conservation. Although driving a hybrid or a car with alternative fuels is the most ecofriendly, there are other easier ways that can help too. For example, you can save gas and pollute less by not letting yourcaridle. Reusable rules. Sometimes, it takes the smallest of actions to makethe greatest difference. The next time you go to your favorite coffee shop, bring your own mug so that you don’t have to use the disposable cardboard cups. Instead of toting your groceries homein plastic bags, use cloth bags, which are stronger and much more eco-friendly than plastic. Lastly, use a reusable water bottle as an alternative to buying and throwing away plastic water bottles. You can find more eco-friendly tips at --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-015251-20190801-015249-74537.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-015249-74537.pdf