A Breathtaking Test Saturday, March 1, 2008 A Breathtaking Test (NAPSA)—How’s your head for halitosis, also known as bad breath? Taking this little quiz may help you determine your “breath” of knowledge: 1. Bad breath can be a sign of serious medical problems. (a) True (b) False 2. Scientists say people cannot smell their own breath. (a) True (b) False 3. Bad breath is caused by (a) bacteria (b) viruses (c) mitochondria 4. There’s nothing you can do about bad breath. (a) True (b) False Answers 1. (a) True. For one thing, it could be a sign of tooth or gum dis- ease. In addition,if the onset of bad breath is sudden, growing noticeably worse over days or weeks or accompanied by fever, cough or other symptoms, you should see your doctor. It could be a sign of liver disease or a severe sinusinfection, amongotherthings. 2. (a) True. That means the estimated 50 million Americans with chronic halitosis are unknowingly botheringa lot of others. 3. (a) A particular type of bacterium lives on the tongue and soft tissue at the back of the mouth, where it produces sulfur gases causing bad breath odor. Some people have more of these bacteria than others and so more risk of bad breath. 4. (b) False. Although in most offs ' There could be good newsfor the millions of Americans who have bad breath—and probably don’t knowit. cases conventional mouthwash, breath mints, breath sprays and the like merely mask the offensive odor for a short period of time, there is a patentedoral rinse developed by Dr. Jon L. Richter, DMD, Ph.D., designed to neutralize bad breath. It contains active chlorine dioxide, which deodorizes and removes the bacteria. An independent laboratory study by Hilltop Research, Inc. found the ProFresh Breath Care System “significantly reduced oral malodor.” Daily use also reduces the dental plaque that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Learn More You can get more information about good ways to deal with bad breath at www.factsaboutbad breath.com or by calling (800) 210-2110. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-015306-20190801-015304-74139.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-015304-74139.pdf