How A Bowl Of Cereal Can Make A Difference Tuesday, March 1, 2005 = /2, Ti MLANSACA Tf CoSe ys4 AD How A Bowl Of Cereal Can Make A Difference In Busy Women’s Lives (NAPSA)—Life may be a bowl of cherries, but it’s a bowl of cereal that could have the greatest impact on a busy womanslifestyle. That’s because only about 38 percent of women eat breakfast every day, with “lack of time” cited their children (and themselves) for the day. Discovering new ways to help kids do better in school can be as simple as a breakfast in the morning. as the most common reason for skipping this important meal. What these women maynotrealize is that eating breakfast can help them be more productive by increasing their attention spans and focus throughout the day. Goals for 2005 Arecent survey revealed the top five goals for moms: weight management, stay healthy, spend more time with family, improve kids’ performance in school and add variety to life. Surprisingly, a single lifestyle change—taking the time to have a bowl of cereal in the morning— can do a lot in helping women to accomplish the goals they set for themselves. For example, studies show that diets high in fiber can help with weight management and that people who eat whole grain foods weighless than people who don’t, and cereal can be rich in fiber and whole grain. Unfortunately, 73 percent of moms surveyed were unaware of that benefit of cereal. Taking five minutes to have a bowl of cereal with your children can make a world of difference. “One simple step can help you keep your top goals in check,” said Maria Bailey, mother of four and founder of, a top resource for working mothers. “Pouring one bow!of cereal in the morning and taking those five minutes each day to sit down with your kids can help you achieve your resolutions which can seem overwhelming when added to an already full schedule.” An additional benefit of a cereal breakfast is ease of preparation and simplicity, which helps moms spend more time with their family. When moms make having a bowl of cereal before school a morningritual, they not only have a few more minutes in the morning to bond with their children, but also do their part in preparing Cereal provides a simple way for families to start the day together and for moms to help their families work toward getting the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. Making it fun for the whole family by mixing varieties of cereal to combine different flavors, shapes and textures will add a special element to the morningtradition. Another way to add to the excitement in the morning is by personalizing bowls at a ceramics studio, such as Color Me Mine, which offers a range of cereal bowls and materials for kids and parents to decorate their own. Customized bowls help get everyone in the family involved in mom’s goals while reaffirming that everybody hasa special place in the new morningroutine. Bailey reiterates the possibilities with her new mantra for moms: “Multiple goals, just one bowl.” For information about cereal and to find a ceramics studio loca- tion near you, visit www.ameri --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190731-131258-20190731-131255-63407.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190731-131255-63407.pdf