Boosting Zinc To Defend Against Colds Thursday, March 1, 2007 Boosting Zinc To Stay Healthy (NAPSA)—While everyday medi- y : cations and over-the-counter products generally do our bodies good, we should be aware of the unintended effects that some may have. For instance, many may rob our bodies of vitamins and minerals, including zinc, an essential mineral that is important for the growth, development and health of body tissues and in keeping us healthy. “A deficiency of zinc may cause hair loss, poor night vision, more frequent infections and a reduced sense of taste and smell. Addi- A number of medications and over-the-counter remedies can causing acne and delayed wound healing,” says Suzy Cohen, R.Ph., and author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist.” While zine can be found in foods like liver, oysters, beef, whole grain breads and cereals, and dairy products, supplements are also available. “One way you can meet your daily recommendation of zinc is by sucking on a flavored zinc lozenge, such as Cold-EEZE. With a variety of great-tasting flavors to help mask the typical aftertaste zinc it vulnerable to colds. tionally, skin changes can occur leaves in the mouth, these lozenges are a good way to help build up your body’s zinc, especially if you start to feel a cold coming on,” says Cohen. In keeping your body’s zinc level at its peak, keep informed about the common “drug muggers” that can zap zinc. Cohen identifies the following: Antacids/Acid Blockers— deplete the body of zinc, leaving Those that contain various forms of calcium, magnesium and aluminumastheir active ingredients can rob the body ofzine. * Oral Contraceptives—Birth control pills can deplete a woman’s level of zinc. “The recommended daily allowanceof zinc, as suggested by the Food and Drug Administration, is 11 milligrams for men and 8 milligrams for women,” says Cohen. “Women taking oral contraceptives without a zine supplement are not meeting the daily recommendation for zine, which could hurt their health in the long run.” Other popular medications that deplete the body of zinc include ACEinhibitors; AZT; Cipro; corticosteroids; nasal corticosteroids; loop diuretics; hormone replacement therapy andtetracycline. For more information, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-025648-20190801-025646-73495.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-025646-73495.pdf