Laughter On The Links Tuesday, March 1, 2005 NEWS & NOTES Laughter On The Links (NAPSA)—There are over 17,000 golf courses in the United States, and each hasa story. Anew book highlights a number of them in cartoon form, covering such classic golf topics as the pursuit of the perfect shot and losing CR. golf balls to the : drink. The publiop cation from the Ghicken Chicken Soup 1 SOUpiwae creators, called corel na eken our F 00: or the Soul: } Lf GoirenD Cartoons for Golfers” ($9.95, HCI), features 100 cartoons from syndicated cartoonist John McPherson. The jokes put a personal spin on the gameof golf and convey the challenges and memoriescreated on the links. The National Golf Foundation estimates that nearly 550 million rounds of golf are played in America annually. AUMERSON “Go ahead andtee off. Then | want youto listen to this wheezing.” @Q The book is available in bookstores, by calling 800-441-5569 or by visiting --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190730-152845-20190730-152843-64536.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190730-152843-64536.pdf