Make Your Lawn Livable Thursday, March 1, 2007 Make Your Lawn Livable (NAPSA)—The backyard can provide great additional living ial & sri bees space for your family so long as you makeit a comfortable, inviting place to be. Here are a few easy tips to help you spruce up your backyard this season: Ready your yard. Before you do any major backyard redec- orating, you have to start with a clean canvas, and that means weeding. Herbicides are one option, but if you’re looking for a chemical-free way to weed the garden, roll up your sleeves and dig up the unwanted plants at the root—it’s effective and a great form of exercise. Give your white picket fence a makeover.If your picket fence needsa little TLC, don’t just paint it white again. Instead, cover it with vines to give your yard a rustic feel. Or involve the kids in your outdoor makeover by assigning them each a fence post to decorate any way they want— handprints, painted flowers, etc. e Plant in pairs. Companion planting is the act of growing two different plants next to each other in order to promote growth, repel pests or attract helpful insects. In other words, it’s a great way to get your garden to do the work for you. For example, plant tomatoes next to roses or onions next to marigolds to help keep unwanted pests at bay. Store your stuff. It doesn’t matter how gorgeous your yard looks if you can’t see it through your clutter. Store gardening tools, lawn mowers and other backyard necessities in an outdoor storage shed from Lifetime Products. The all-weather shed will help protect your belongings from the hot sun and rain and the shed’s stylish wood-grain finish will keep the yard looking top-notch. Have a seat. Now that you've taken the time to spruce up your yard, make sure you have a place to sit and enjoy it. Create a seating area with all-weather chairs and tables so you can entertain, play or just relax in your spruced-up space. For more information on keep- ing your yard clean and organized, visit --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-062329-20190801-062327-71986.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-062327-71986.pdf