Reducing Energy Costs Tuesday, March 1, 2005 MATTERS Reducing Energy Costs (NAPSA)—Seal it! That’s the first step that Energy Star experts recommend to save on rising energy prices. Following Energy Star HomeSealing guidelines for sealing air leaks and adding insulation can reduce home heating andcooling bills by up to 20 percent. ee ae yas RS ne, Sealing air leaks canhelp reduce energy costs. Not only does sealing improve comfort and reduce energycosts, sealing can cut noise and prevent the infiltration of allergens, dust, pollution and insects. And yet, a recent survey found that only one in 10 Americans seal air leaks around doors and windowsto con- serve energy, although 42 percent will turn down their thermostat. Sealing your home can be an inexpensive way to increase com- fort and save energy dollars. For long-lasting home-sealing results, GE recommends a premium silicone sealant. GE Silicone II is the best seal against water and the elements. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190801-072756-20190801-072755-65911.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190801-072755-65911.pdf