Wrong Place, Wrong Time Thursday, March 1, 2007 WV REVIEW Wrong Place, Wrong Time (NAPSA)—NewYork Timesbestseller Andrea Kaneis the masterof the romancethriller, and readers of her two newest novels, “Wrong Place, Wrong Time”and “Dark Room,”will understand why. From thefirst page, both books captivate readers with their innovative, intricate plots. In the best-selling “Wrong Place, Wrong Time”(Avon), Sally Montgomery’s romantic weekend goes 5 A horribly wrong s when her com1 panion, Frederick Pierson, is mur- dered and their cabin burned to the ground. It’s clear that someone set out Wrong Place, to kill Sally as ‘ well, but the WrongTime authorities don’t “eectsGr see Sally as a victim, but as the prime suspect. To stay alive, Sally will have to stay hidden in the woods until her name is cleared and the true killer is caught. Sally’s daughter, Devon, is determined to make sure that happens. She has asked her father, Pete Montgomery, for help. Together, Sally, Devon and Pete investigate the Pierson family from the inside and out. Devon, . unable to extricate herself, finds she is the murderer’s next target. Kane’s hardcover, “Dark Room” (William Morrow), fea- tures Morgan Winter, who, with support of old friends and newallies, fights to find the man whois responsible for the death of her parents. She will not rest until he pays for his crimes, no matter what it takes. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190730-152624-20190730-152623-70787.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190730-152623-70787.pdf