Putting The FUN Back In School Fundraising Wednesday, March 1, 2006 Putting the FUN Backin School Fundraising (NAPSA)—Buried under a seemingly insurmountable mountain of wrapping paper? Have more cookies than you could ever eat? Never want to see another chocolate bar again? Sounds like fundraising season. Every year, thousands of fami- lies participate in drives to raise much-needed funds for their schools. And while the money raised is important, many parents dread the amount of time and work required—andthe limited return. Plus, many feel uncomfortable repeatedly asking friends to continue supporting their chil- dren’s activities. A little creativity, however, can makeall the differ- ence. Companies like DIRECTV, Target and Staples have lowmaintenance programs to help local schools raise money. Jean Carucci, a mom andfor- mer PTO president in Stamford, Conn., says, “There are lots of pro- gramsthat can work,if you'll look for them, and don’t just settle for the tried and true. We know parents are disappointed aboutall the time they spend, and they get tired of doing the same programs every year. But there are ways to be successful at these efforts that won't take all your free time and can even be fun.” Here are some tips you might try whenit’s time for your school’s fundraising drives: Take on what you can man- age. If your kids are running several programs for various groups at once, it’s important to choose how extensively you participate in each. Don’t overpromise, and don’t feel pressured into saying “yes” to something you know you can’t do. Look for a strong return. Like any good business endeavor, you want the most return for your investment. Participate in pro- gramsthat can help you maximize your time, give maximum value to people you contact, and save you lots of logistical problems like delivering product to people’s homes. Be on the lookout for new or different programs. One innovative program is DIRECTV4Schools, which contributes $100 to your child’s school for every new cus- tomer who activates service and rewards the school for current customers who extend their commitment for one year. Find out more about this program at DIRECTV4Schools.com. Rotate yourlist of prospects. Don’t approach the same friends every year with the same program. * Be active with your PTO and school. Your input, individual creativity, and active involvement are important to the success of any program. Most important, make it fun. Whenyouset realistic goals, share the work, and find a program you really believe in, youll be amazed at how satisfying and rewarding school fundraising can be. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-135123-20190816-135121-69732.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-135121-69732.pdf