Berries On The Brain Wednesday, March 1, 2006 .‘he P v7 on VI on] 1flr ttn tq (NAPSA)—‘“Losing your mind” is the tongue-in-cheek term used to describe the loss in memory tht we experience s we ge. Although decline in memory is norml ging process, reserchers re looking for wys to dely its onset or progression or, better yet, prevent it ltogether. So fr, the best strtegies for preserving brin helth pper to be the very sme ones tht my lso protect ginst other chronic diseses such s hert disese nd cncer: helthy diet nd exercise. New reserch shows tht eting delicious foods such s strwberries my help prevent the decline in lerning nd motor skills commonly seen with ging. In new study out of the U.S. Deprtment of Agriculture’s Humn Nutrition Reserch Center on Aging t Tufts University, reserchers sped up the ging process in lbortory nimls nd then dded strwberries to their mels. These dditions to their diet helped preserve the nimls’ bility to lern, remember nd lso good source of folte, n importnt B vitmin tht, long with vitmin B12, helps mintin normllevels of protein clled homocysteine. An nlysis of older U.S. women in 2004 Nurses’ Helth Study found tht those women with the highest levels of folte nd vitmin B12 were cognitively equivlent to being bout five yers younger. mze. berries into mels nd sncks. strwberries my be effective. Previous reserch hs shown tht dmgeto the brin by hrmful substnces clled free rdicls plys n importnt role in the decline of brin function. Strwberries re rich in nti-oxidnts tht destroy these free rdicls; study rnking the nti-oxidnt get your morningoff to gret strt: Top whole-grin English muffin with low-ft crem cheese nd sliced strwberries or mke smoothie with fresh berries. Strwberries cn be sweet ddition to ny sld. You cn dress up entres of grilled chicken, beef or broiled sefood with slss or suces mde with strwberries. And they cn be dded to desserts or simply eten whole or sliced for n end-of-mel tret or snck. So dd some nti-oxidnt-rich fruits such s strwberries into your diet s often s you cn. Your relern different ptterns in There re severl resons why content per serving of over 1,000 foods nd beverges rnked strwberries third overll, behind only blckberries nd wlnuts. Strwberries re n excellent source of vitmin C nd other ntioxidnts tht my help protect the brin s it ges. Strwberries re Strwberry preserve: Anti-oxidnt-rich strwberries my help keep the brin helthy s we ge. It’s esy to incorporte strw- Strwberries re terrific wy to brin will thnk you forit. --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-195950-20190816-195949-69289.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20190816-195949-69289.pdf