Make Your Work Easier and Faster I love what I do because every day I get to go out there and have impact in the world through the power of convening. We’re probably using about twenty different software packages in order to serve the company and the client and I found them all on Capterra.  In the Apollo event, the fiftieth anniversary that we just did this summer, I mean it was a wild, you know, we had to lay all cable, we had to prepare, we had to get on site, we had to build the whole infrastructure, both for the projection mapping program as well as the festival, I mean it was thrilling but wild.  You know, there’s a lot of things I like about Capterra but the thing I like most about Capterra is it’s easy. I go in, I search, I compare, I read the reviews, I look at the buyer’s guide, I make my decision. It has provided me with all the tools to run my business and all the systems I need to serve my client. I love Capterra.  Have you found, are other people as enthusiastic about Capterra. I mean, do other people really use it as much as I do or am I just… --- BREAKOUT BOXES --- Copy: 206 words, 60 seconds --- PHOTOS --- File: 20200420-132137-20200420-132134-phpza44CN.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20200420-154329-35449.txt File: 20200420-132134-phpza44CN.pdf