New One-Time Treatment Available For Cats With Ear Mites Thursday, March 1, 2001 Lieee ) = _—- eeru ALERT. SIT iy T cx aI:tnemnikAAASdehkh New One-Time Treatment Available For Cats With Ear Mites (NAPSA)—Health news for pet owners could be the cat’s meow: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a one-step topical treatment for adult ear mites, the third most common diagnosis in cats. This is especially good newsfor owners whofind that the ritual of continually treating a cat’s ears is traumatizing for the animal, and damages the pet-owner bond. Manycats run away from their owners to avoid treatment, and continue to do so even after mites are gone andtreating is no longer necessary. Although outdoor cats are the most susceptible, almost all cats— both indoor and outdoor—will suffer with ear mites (otodectes cynotis) at some point in their lives. Left untreated, ear mites can lead to serious health problems, such as bacterial and fungalinfections. Pet owners should be on the lookout for ear mites in their cats andkittens. Signs include: * coffee ground-like substance in the cat’s ears; Cats with ear mites are often traumatized by existing treatments, and run away to avoid them. nary Medical Association, who specializes in feline medicine and participated in theclinical trials. “The ease of application is remarkable, it doesn’t sting and just one application is very effective. My clients appreciated that there was no oily mess to rub off on furniture or carpeting.” In clinical trials, the medication was found to work with a single application. ACAREXX comes in pre- head shaking; and * excessive scratching. And because the ears can become sensitive and raw from scratching, cats are often reluctant to sit for repeated treatments. Fortunately, the new medica- measured tubes, making it easier to treat multiple cats. It is the only FDA-approved ear mite product labeled to treat kittens as young as four weeks. And unlike some other generally needs to be applied just once. And, unlike other remedies, this non-greasy, water-based suspension requires no pre-cleaning of the cat’s ears before application. “ACAREXX”™ (0.01% ivermectin) Otic Suspension is the most effective ear mite product I’ve ever used,” said Dr. Jan Strother, past president of the Alabama Veteri- prescription product, available only from veterinarians. In less than one percent of 116 cats and kittens treated with ACAREXX, pain associated with the ear flap and vomiting were observed following treatment. To learn more about Acarexx you can visit the Web site at tion is a one-step treatment that ear mite treatments, ACAREXX is not a pesticide. ACAREXX is a safe, effective, ACAREXX™(0.01% ivermectin) Otic Suspension Brief Summary: Please consult full package insert for more information. Indications: ACAREXX is indicated for the treatment of adult ear mite (Otodectes cynotis) infestations in cats and kittens four weeks of age or older. Effectiveness against eggs and immature stages has not been proven. Precautions: The safe use ofACAREXX in cats used for breeding purposes, during pregnancy, or in lactating queens, has not been evaluated. Adverse reactions: In approximately 1% of 80 cats and kittens, pain associated with the pinna and vomiting were observed following treatment with ACAREXX. Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. How supplied: ACAREXX is packaged in 2 plastic ampules sealed in a foil pouch. One ampule containing 0.5mL is used per ear. Storage conditions: ACAREXX should be stored at temperatures below 86F (30C). Protect from freezing. ACAREXX is a trademark of Blue Ridge Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2000 Blue Ridge Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Blue Ridge Pharmaceuticals is a subsidiary ofIDEXX Laboratories, Inc.