With Pet Insurance, Hare Care Reaches New Heights Thursday, March 1, 2001 With Pet Insurance, Hare Care Reaches New Heights (NAPSA)—In the United States, the popularity of rabbits as pets is, well, multiplying. Fortunately, so are the options available to help make sure bunnies stay bright-eyed andfluffy-tailed. For example, there’s now Veterinary Pet Insurance available for rabbits. Whether yours is an signed to encourage regular veterinary care and give owners peace of mind, says Reinhard. “Early diagnosis of any illness is always better for the pet than if the condition is allowed to worsen. And with the Rabbit policy, the cost for required treatment will be covered.” Founded by Stephens with the support of 750 independent veteri- Angora, Lop, Rex, Horot or any other breed, it can be enrolled in a comprehensive health plan that covers thousandsof medical conditions that result from illnesses or accidents—coverage similar to that available for dogs, cats and birds. With annual premiumsat just $120, this kind of policy covers such things as office calls, prescriptions, laboratory fees, treat- ments, diagnostics, surgery and hospitalization. “My long-term goal was to provide financial assistance to all pet owners,” says Jack L. Stephens, DVM, who founded Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) in 1980. “We started by offering protection to owners of dogs and cats. Then we added Avian coverage to help owners of pet birds. Now we are taking the next step by expanding ourcoverage to include another popular pet group—rabbits.” There are more than 2 million narians, Veterinary Pet Insurance is the nation’s number-one med- ical insurance for dogs, cats, birds Veterinary insurance coverage can mean peace of mind for rabbit owners. pet rabbits in the United States, VPI Assistant Medical Director Dave Reinhard, DVM, says this should come as welcome newsto their owners. “Rabbits make wonderful pets,” he adds. “They’re generally docile, and can even be litterbox-trained. But any category of pets has its own set of health risks. For rabbits, gastroenteritis, respiratory diseases and ear and eye infections are common concerns. Hairballs are a problem, too. And rabbits are especially proneto fractures of the spine due to their excessive kicking.” The new Rabbit policy is de- and now rabbits. VPI helps make the miracles of veterinary medicine affordable by covering more than 6,400 medical treatments for accidents and illnesses, with optional coverage available for preventive and routine care. Policies are licensed in all 50 states andthe District of Columbia. Exclusively endorsed by the American HumaneAssociation, VPI has issued more than one million policies. Policies are underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. in California. Elsewhere, they are underwritten by National Casualty Co., Madison, WI, an A+15 rated company. For more information on insur- ing pets, consumers may call 800USA-PETS(800-872-7387) or visit the Website at petinsurance.com.