Hero Dog Continues Tradition Thursday, March 1, 2001 Hero Dog ContinuesTradition (NAPSAXWhen 2 Uhreysarld parAusralion Shepherd seg named Bijou saved her av From drowrieg, she became tet Tat Stina lng ina ofearinehere “AlterflLisathraugh Parker,thetheiceagi owner f= Frozen creck, Biyau pulled her Uhreugh the water uni she eae Sble Bacall herself antethe Enel, Than the dog. proddedee ualdla she Parker acted pawl Fuslered erough slrenath gol fekivber tous “Biju caved my life several times that marning by palling freadatthe watered by urge wBells make 1 back bo he hencego Shehlime | aidethink Teould any further Thit wouldahave oka for bor, T auld have She siber drowoed or ira ladeath mmyheroand guardian angel” ‘Parker made 3 quick recnvery from her lerely ing erdeal andaf yay wan the 4h Bog Here The cbr award fram Skippy Canned Dog Pood. Her prizes frelude iA years supply of Skippy canned dogfoogill certificate for Wa #100 sane welhdecereed pamparing 2 $s rearhy groomer. Sa apeciall engraved Dog HeoTh fat bo Packer won lwo audition, nighigatthe bail Enchant (RenRamatinaoesions Ariza where the Seenleo at the Bi Stoo Spa, round rp aire a i= Bra"TheandLoeiodagash fara runners-up, Dover aura by Ursus Stren ing 2 dildo 3 enake ble you eaves Ula Parkerfrom! ‘rening Dag Heto otandte beoame Yat the 26th Sel Sila, whoafpitsavedballs,Fols Grn From pack wan Seba"TheCetin ofMaric, $200 Poodrocoge Dag the YearDogdueaed afSkippy Hero nisce dogs thalTengihe have legane to Sklraordinary aceel SSmcone in aced. The program Eegon in 1984 gen Merges calle Fram Ucniann, hoa wae named the frst Dogchildren Hera ofTramthesevere Year ‘Teng eaved armor on fiveduring separate Seauions,death Winners the canines include jours ao past FREI Stecad enerte firesprear rian manaside poizning, Cental orsavel drowning allele pzplearframanima) danForman information about the pragram arwerwekippadeg 12 nominate = com dog Reva ent Nominations spd phat senHera oon bbe mailed To SkippyDog Bo" bas b13T Granbarry Hops PA