Gas-Saving Tips Tuesday, March 1, 2011 NSWERS Gas-Saving Tips (NAPSA)—Conserving gasoline saves motorists money and lessens America’s dependence on foreign oil. These gas-saving tips are from the experts at the nonprofit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), the group that tests and certifies automotive technicians. Keep tires properly inflated and wheels in alignment. Clean out clutter and unnecessary items to lessen the burden on the engine. WE EMPLOY TIFIED PROFESSIONALS To save gas, get engine problems serviced. Consolidate trips and errands; try to travel whentraffic is light to avoid stop-and-go conditions. Go easy on sudden, hard accelerations; don’t speed; anticipate traffic patterns ahead and adjust your speed gradually. Keep the engine running at its peak by replacing filters and fluids as recommended in the owner’s manual and having engine performance problems such as rough idling corrected. * Use windows and air-conditioning wisely. At highway speeds, it’s better to keep windows up (and air-conditioning on, if wanted) to reduce air drag. But turn off the A/C in stop-and-go traffic to save fuel. Visit for car care tips, advice on finding an auto technician and more.