Common Household Items Can Poison Pets Friday, March 1, 2002 (NAPSA)—Thousands of dogs and cats needlessly suffer and many die each year by accidental ingestion of household poisons, including pesticides, popular houseplants, medication and common foods. The ASPCA AnimalPoison Control Center, the only animal poison center in North America, offers advice to pet owners about the many household products that can be dangerous and even deadly to their four-legged family members. Mothballs, potpourrioils, coffee grounds, homemade playdough, fabric softener sheets, dishwashing detergent, batteries, cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, pennies and hand and foot warmers can be dangerousfor yourpet. Keep all prescription and over-the-counter medications out of your pets’ reach, preferably in closed/locked cabinets above the counter. Painkillers, cold medicines, antidepressants, vitamins anddiet pills can be lethal to animals, even in small doses. Read all of the information on the label before using a product There are many household items that can pose a poisonous threat to dogs andcats. products in areas that are inaccessible to your pets. If you are uncertain about the usage of any product, ask the manufacturer and/or your veterinarian for instructions. * Be alert for antifreeze/coolant leaking from your vehicle. Animals are attracted to the sweet taste and ingesting just a small amount can cause an animal’s death. Consider using animal-friendly prod- ingestion of azalea, oleander, sago ucts that contain propylene glycol rather than ethyleneglycol. Whenusing rat, mouse, snail or slug baits, or ant or roach traps, place the products in areas that are inaccessible to your pet. Somebait contains sweet-smelling inert ingredients, such as jelly, peanut butter or sugar that can ure in cats. Call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435) if you suspect that your pet has ingested on your pet or in your home. If a product is for use only on dogs, it should never be used on cats; if a product is for use only on cats, it should never be used on dogs. Be aware of the plants you have in your home and yard. The palm or yew plant materials by your pet can befatal. Easterlily, day lily, tiger lily and some other lily species can cause kidney fail Make sure your pets do not go on lawnsor in gardens treated with fertilizers, herbicides or insecticides until they have dried completely. Always store such attract your pets. something poisonous. For more information on the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, visit the Web site at