Parasite Protection For The Dog Days And Beyond Thursday, March 1, 2001 p Parasite Protection ror The Dog Days And Beyond (NAPSA)—In general, a dog enjoys the warm weather just as much as his owner. The breeze blowing through his fur, his tongue flopping in the wind—why would he want it to end? However, cocler weather will sconfol- low--and as you roll up the win- dow on summer, be sure not te close the door on your pet’s parasite protection. A common misperception is that onee warm weather is gone, pets are no longer at risk for con- tracting parasites. It’s iraportant to keep your pet on a year-round prevention regime to protect him from fleas and other parasites. Mosquitoes, which can pass heart- werras to your dog through bites, can survive during cocl months. All it takes is one bite to infest your pet if he is net on a year- ound parasite preventive. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to help you keep your dog happy and healthy during every season: * Administer your dog’s preventive on the same day each month. Put a noticeable reminder on the calendar to ensure that you give your dog his medication. (You can even get e-mail reminders via * If you bave more than one pet, make sure ai/ are on a yearround parasite preventive. * Eliminatepools of water that provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes (Le., bird bath) * See your veterinarian regu- larly so that he or she ean check your pet for parasites. When considering monthlypar- asite preventives, you may want one that provides broad-spectrum coverage without leaving a pesticide residue on the pet or in the home. SENTINEL (milbemycin oxime/lufenuron) Flavor Tabs*, manufactured by Novartis Animal Health US, Inc., are the only monthly broad-spectrum preveen. tives that guard your pet agains heartworms (A. caninum) and fleas, as well as hookworms, oundworms and whipworms. Proven to be 100 percent effective in preventing heartworm infection, SENTINEL Flavor Tabs are administered in a single, monthly tablet and leave no pesticide residue on the pet or in the home. In addition, there is no mess, no odor and no waiting period before being reunited with your pet. Dogs must be tested for beartWorns prior to use. In a small percentage of treated dogs, digestive, neurological and skin side.effects may occur. As youpull out that cozy sweater to protect yourself from the cooler weather, don’t forget to protect your pet by continuing his or her heartweorra and flea control pills. Sentinec (milbemyein oxime/lufenuron) Flavor Tabs Brief Summary: Please consult full package insert for moreinformation. indications: Senrine, Flavor Tabs are indicated for use in dags and puppies, four weeks of age and cla nd two pounds body weight or greater. Senin Flavor Tabs are also indicated for the prevention of heartworm ase caused by Dirofilaria immitis, for the prevention and contrai of fiea populations, the control of aault Ancylostama caninum (hookworm}, and the removal and control of adult Toxocara canis and Toxascaris Jeonina (roundworm) and Trichuris vulpis (whipworm)infection. Lut nuron controls flea populations by preventing the development of flea eggs and does not| dult fleas. Concurrent use of pesticides may be necessary for adequate comtrai of adult fle: . Precautions: Do aot use Ser avor Tabs in puppies less than four weeks of age and less than two pounds ofposs weig i. n of SENTINEL Flavor Tabs, dogs should be tested for 6 1g heartworm i tec ctions manif ited aS labored respite tin dogs after giving viern oxime or7 lufenuron: vo onilethar y,prart u rticaria, diarrt ancrexi. Caution: U.S. Federal law re gestion, ataxia, convulsions, hypersalivatior and weakn cts this drug to use by or on the order of 4 licensed veterinarian. How Supplied: Se EL Flavor Tal are available in four tablet 3; 23/46 mg, 5.75/415 and 23/460 mg. They are formulated accordin to the weight of the dog. Each tablet size is av: lable in color-coded packages of s S$ each. Storage Conditions: Store ina dry place at controlied oom temperature, between SOFand 86F (15-30 i). NAH/SEN-T/BS/3 10/00 2001 Novartis. Sentine. and Flavor Tabs are registered trademarks of Novartis.