Bird Facts & Fancies Thursday, March 1, 2001 (NAPSA)—Bird-watching, physicians say, can be therapeutic for people. It’s both calming and educational. By keeping a journal of birds you see every day, you can determine which species come back yearafter year. Now you can join in on one of America’s most popular wildlife encounters: feeding birds. Just install a bird feeder in your back yard and enjoytheactivity. Mostbirds prefer a feeder to be hungclose to trees and shrubs so they have an escape route from predators. You want to hang it where it is easy to refill and you are able to watch the birdsfeed. The choice feeder for manybirdwatching enthusiasts is called the No/No Bird Feeder: No wood to hold moisture or wear away and no plastic to fade or crack. The wood and plastic found on most feeders are replaced with a durable steel mesh design. This allows rain and snow to whisk straight through this unique feeder. The feeder collapses to one-inch tall and is similar in design to collapsible wire fish baskets. No assembly is required, andit holds 2.5 pounds of black oil sunflower seeds. This keeps refill chores to a minimum. Steel mesh is attractive to both clinging and perching types of birds, and there is room for up to 15 birds to feed at one time. The feeder is available at most retail birdseed outlets, or can be ordered by calling toll-free (866) 864-6447; at com, or from No/No Bird Feeders, P.O. Box 477, Bloomfield, NE 68718.