Making Heads Or Tails Of Loose Change Friday, March 1, 2002 YOUR MONEY Making HeadsOrTails Of Loose Change (NAPSA)—Weall have it. Loose change. It accumulates in our pockets, purses, dresser draw- ers, between sofa cushions, and in coin jars. Consumers can now go online to calculate the value of jars of change. In fact, the latest estimates indicate that $10.5 billion in change is sitting idle in American homes—that’s nearly $100 per household. To help consumers gauge how much money they might have, a coin counting company called Coinstar has added a feature to its Web site ( to help consumers estimate the valueof their change based on the size of their container and an average coin mix. For example, a 16 ounce coin jar contains an esti- mated value of $20.12 in coins. Once you have an idea of how much you have, you'll likely want to cash it in. An easy wayto do so is to take your change with you on your next trip to the supermarket, where Coinstar’s high-speed coin counting machines can count up your stash and print out a voucher goodfor cash or groceries. The machines charge an 8.9 percent service fee, but the time you save is well worthit. For locations near you, call 1800-928-CASHor visit www.find --- PHOTOS --- File: 20190816-155320-20190816-155319-53647.pdf.jpg