Five Mistakes Businesses Make Protecting E-mail Tuesday, March 1, 2005 Top Five Mistakes Businesses Make Protecting E-mail (NAPSA)—Protecting email from spam, viruses, hackers and inappropriate content can affect the responsiveness of a company’s system, the productivity of its employees and its financial and legal positions. To help, here is a look at the top five mistakes companies make when protecting their email: 1) Desktop software only protection—Desktop software shouldreally be considered the last line of defense. It’s controlled by the end-user and can be disabled or not updated frequently enough. Furthermore, by letting unwanted spam and virustraffic flow into a company and all the way to the desktop beforeitis filtered out can burdenthe internal network. 2) No outgoing protection— Manyviruses can get sent from a company to business partners, suppliers, even customers. Content filtering can reduce therisk, prevent outbound spam, avoid sensitive information leaks and filter out inappropriate content such as profanity or harassment. 38) No traffic reporting or recording—Reporting on messag- ing traffic is critical for businesses to identify large volume email senders, employees talking to competitors, and other forms of abuse. In some industries reporting and recording are important for regulatory compliance and addressing concerns of corporate liability. 4) Security software running on insecure platforms—Widely used operating systems such as Windowscan be hacked. 5) Effectiveness and reliability—The email security solution needs to offer high “catch-rates” to of (ANY! s Companiesof all sizes can benefit from a simple solution that protects e-mail from hackers, spammers and more. stop spam and virus threats, as well as virtually zero false-positives so no critical email gets accidentally discarded. Additionally, the system needs built-in reliability and redundancy for recovering from power loss and ensuring no critical messages are lost or corrupted. Many companies with anywhere from a few hundred users up to tens of thousands are avoiding these common mistakes by using the RazorGate appliances from Mirapoint. The appliances provide multi-layered protection, work with existing email systems and offer a secure operating platform, policy enforcement tools, content filters, and detailed reporting. Companies with broader needs that want a more reliable email system with integrated security may turn to the complete Message Server appliance from Mirapoint, which is designed to support any organization trying to deliver email to a broad baseofusers. For more information about e-mail security solutions from the “messaging experts” at Mirapoint, call 1-800-937-8118.