386 Career Opportunity Wednesday, January 10, 2024 If you need a job or are looking for a new career, come to Representative Adriano Espaillat’s (Es-PAY-aat) winter 20-24 Career Fair at the SCAN Harbor Johnson Center in East Harlem. It’s for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to hire, network, or build career skills. Congressman Espaillat is a champion of working families and small businesses. His winter 20-24 Career Fair is Saturday, January thirteenth from ten A-M to three P-M at 18-33 Lexington Avenue, Manhattan. Paid for by official funds authorized by the House of Representatives. --- BREAKOUT BOXES --- Copy: 87 words, 30 seconds --- PHOTOS --- File: 20240109-083808-phpc52oBj.jpg File: 20240109-083809-20240109-083809-phpfkG661.pdf.jpg --- FILES --- File: 20240109-083810-37163.txt File: 20240109-083809-phpfkG661.pdf